SMP Edu Global Bandung - Integrated Cambridge School

Welcome to

SMP Edu Global Bandung

Smart | Righteous | Talented


To become a leading education institution in providing global learning experiences and opportunities.


1. Develop a state of the art education program that excels students academically.
2. Provide for a well-balanced education that gives emphasis to the development of a morally upright individual.
3. Groom students with value-added skills to compete and make a difference in the global world.

Are you ready to be
a great future leader?

Edu Global School gives emphasis on providing academic excellence through a state of the art program. We also accord great importance in holistically developing an individual with strong principles and values, while further imbibing skills and talent for our students to be world-ready.

Our School Features

Smart School

EGS will embrace technology pervasively in the teaching and learning process. Digital literacy will also be given a strong emphasis in EGS as we prepare students with 21st century skills to overcome the challenges of the global world.

Character Development

EGS is committed to developing morally upright students. This is done through a school-wide values inculcation program with teachers at the forefront in exemplifying positive behaviors.

International Exposure

EGS educators and students will have numerous opportunities for international exposure. This goes beyond introducing international programs and personnel in EGS, but includes participating in international learning journeys and competitions.

Our Program Pillar

Academic Excellence

This program help all students use their skills and knowledge to perform well in school now so that they may also perform professionally in the workplace later on in life.

Character Building

This program is the deliberate effort to help all students understand, care about, and act upon core ethical values.

Talent Development

This program focus at the qualities of a student that can be further developed and can lead to exceptional results and outstanding performance

Daily Update

What are they saying about EGS?

Jimmi Sinton, S.E., M.M. & dr. Farra Yukanti, M.Kes.

"We are happy that our child studied in SMP Edu Global, because our child got a good religious education and a wide range of knowledge which is directed and measurable. Character building applied among teacher, student, and parents, made us, as parents, happy. Thank you SMP Edu Global and teachers who have guided and educated Jibril."

Deaselina D. Haruni, Dipl.Hot., B.Bus., MM.

"The smaller size of the school means that the teachers and students can get to know each other better, providing a more positive working relationships. Also, I prefer the idea of education that encourages critical thinking and problem solving through project based learning and collaborative group activities. This helps to develop essential skills that are not only valuable academically but also prepare the children for success in their future careers. I firmly believe that EGS is equipping my child with the necessary tools, knowledge and values, to be the best he can be, academically, socially and personally. Setting him on the path to success both in his educational journey and in life beyond graduation."

Henry, S.E., Pg.D., MBA. & Mega Pratiwi, S.Sos.

"SMP EGS is a place where Danish can feel comfortable, and could always find a willing ear to listen, and a little motivation to keep up with everything at school. Everyone in EGS has a heart for students, they have the knowledge and they are there to help Danish celebrate success, make sense of despair, and rebound to greater heights. And we hope as parents for EGS to further improve the curriculum framework and becoming an english base learning teaching as design to form a learning process global perspectives orienting to the creation of students who can successfully integrate religion, education and technology."

Rio Febrian Kusumo

"I like the environment at EGS. The school is homy, makes it comfortable. Also, the learning activities are so exciting because the teachers are good at teaching. All over, EGS is good!"

Saskia Julinka Azzura

"I like Edu Global because the learning activities are fun. The teachers are friendly and the deepening of religion at Edu Global is also good for us. In Edu Global, we get used to pray in congregation. There are a lot of clubs and they are all fun, I like them all ."

M Cangra Kawistara

"I love school at EGS because I like to make projects and I love the club at EGS. I joined Fun English Club, Tahsin & Tahfidz Club, Robotics Club and Art Club. I am happy because all of my friends at EGS are very good and fun to play with. I really enjoyed studying at EGS."

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